Farrah has learned from dog training legends such as Joel Silverman, Dr Dunbar, Sue Sternberg, Lou Castle, Victoria Stilwell, Ceasar Millan and many more. She is constantly continuing her education to better serve you and your pups. Her services are in high demand because of her extensive education and experience.
Each dog is a unique individual and is trained as such!
Programs are designed to accomplish training goals. Those goals are outlined in the program with the average or maximum number of sessions we take to achieve these goals. Training requires your consistency compliance, and commitment to achieve results!
$300 deposit to schedule

Puppy Primer
For puppies 8-17 weeks old. Learn about the best way to raise and train your puppy, how to prevent problems, and surviving the puppy stage.
*Potty training, crate training, handling, proper socialization, problem prevention exercises, bite inhibition, and impulse control.
"Puppy 101" (semi-private lesson)
Follow-up private lesson (w/in 2 weeks)
Puppy Explorers (through 18wks)
Treat Pouch
Puppy Passport
Bonus gift
Starting at:

Power Puppy
6 week program
For puppies 8-17 weeks old. Professional help through the puppy phase (and all it's "issues").
*Potty training, crate training, problem prevention, manners, socialization, life skills, engagement, and beginning training.
"Puppy 101" (semi-private lesson)
Weekly private lessons
Access to Puppy Explorers ('til 18 wks)
Treat pouch
Puppy Passport
Bonus gift
Starting at:

PHD Puppy
4 week program (Day Training)
For puppies 8-17 weeks old. Busy? Struggling? Let the professional take the lead! The trainer will work on socialization, bite inhibition, potty training, engagement, grooming & handling training, confidence building, problem prevention, and start basic training.
"Puppy 101" (semi-private lesson)
2 Puppy Private lessons per week
1 owner & puppy private lesson per week
2 bonus private lessons (use w/in 1 mo.)
Access to Puppy Explorers ('til 18 weeks)
Treat pouch
Puppy Passport
Video & picture updates
Bonus gift
Starting at:

Basic Training
8 week program
For dogs 18 weeks and older.
Learn how to better communicate with your dog and train them to obey and be well-mannered.
*Basic obedience and manners.
How Dogs Learn lesson (semi-private)
Weekly private lessons
Access to group sessions*
Treat pouch
Bonus gift
*During 8 week program
Starting at:

Basic Training
4 week program (Day Training)
For dogs 18 weeks and older.
Too busy? Struggling? Let the professional do the majority of the training and then teach you how to keep it up!
*Basic obedience and manners.
How Dogs Learn lesson (semi-private)
2 Day Trainings per week
Weekly private lessons
2 bonus private lesson (w/in 1 month)
Access to group sessions*
Video & picture updates
Treat pouch
Bonus gift
*During 4 week program
Starting at:

Advanced Obedience
Must have Basic Obedience skills.
Perfect your dog's off-leash obedience to have the reliability you thought you could only dream about!
Great program to perfect 1-3 off-leash commands - especially "Come!"
For dogs who fully understand the commands, just don't always listen off-leash.
1 month of intense training!
Private and group lessons
Treat pouch
Lots of bonuses
Starting at:

Advanced Obedience
(Day Training)
Must have Basic Obedience skills.
Let the professional to perfect 1-3 off-leash commands - especially "Come!" Be confident in giving your dog freedom and be embarrassed by them no longer!
For dogs who fully understand the commands, just don't always listen off-leash
Customized training program
Follow-up private lessons
Access to group sessions*
E-collar (off-leash collar)
Treat pouch
Bonus gift
Bonus sessions*
*for 1 month
Starting at:

Behavior Modification
Safety & Management
1 month program
*Starting point for any dog with behavior issues*
Learn about a variety of tools & behavior modification techniques to safely manage, control, and advocate for your aggressive or fearful dog. Discover stressors that could be contributing to behavioral issues. Lessen the stress for both of you in every day life!
For dogs that are fearful, growl at people or dogs, are leash reactive, or have bitten or tried to bite.
Up to 4 private sessions
Treat pouch
End of program assessment
Safety equipment or remedy
*during the 1 month program

Behavior Modification
Behavior Modification program and Advanced Obedience. Not only help your dog on a deep emotional & behavioral level, but have complete control to give guidance, provide predictability, and add another level of safety.
*Must First Complete Safety & Management Program*
Customized Program
Safety & training equipment
Treat pouch
Phone & email support*
*during the program
$ custom

Service Dog Training
Task training, so dog can assist disabled person with activities they are incapable of or need assistance doing.
Each case is addressed in an individualized manner. If you own a dog you think may qualify, it will be extensively evaluated first. If you need a dog, Farrah will help acquire a candidate. Dog must complete training though advanced obedience, pass Public Access Test, and be trained in at least 2 tasks that assist the owner with their disability.
Start Here: